Monday, April 16, 2012

All NetGear'd Up

Gonna be a short post tonight. After weeks of going back and forth with AT&T about why I suddenly no longer had Internet service at home, I am finally back up & running. Oh but how have I been posting every night you ask? Every night I go to the far corner of the house also known as our bedroom and steal some stranger's vine nearby who doesn't seem to care or know their Internet is not password protected. Our router/modem went out two weeks ago and at first we were told the entire network was down in my area. This held water for a couple days until it still never came back on. Then we were told our router/modem went bad. First we replaced the plug which was the recommended course of action by AT&T then unfortunately we had to buy a whole new box. Luckily it was installed in minutes and so far I'm zipping through the web like never before.

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