Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Frustration of a Soon to Be Dad.

My son Baby Fred is coming. The Dr. says "sometime in the next 3 weeks"
The problem is we are not patient people. We are "I'll meet you at 7" people.
Or in the case "Your brand new baby will arrive at 8:10 on the morning of March 17th"

The big question from everyone is "Are you excited?!?!?!?!"
Yes I am very excited....that being said I am very tired of waiting for this life altering moment to happen!!
It's like your about to have your house redone. I mean a total new floors, sleep in at motel, life changing house remodeling. And the contractor calls while your on your way to your temporary housing and says "Wella I reckon it's gonna be a couple more days before we come over there and destroy the nice routine you've spent forever and a day creating. Maybe we can make it next week"

Sure I'm excited but sooner or later I'm gonna need to breathe again and I'm afraid all this anticipation is gonna kill me.

1 comment:

WILLIAM said...

I would recomend that you go out to dinner as much as you can over the next few weeks because it will be a while until you can do that again.