Tuesday, January 09, 2007

“Scare the Be-Jesus Out of Me” Elmo

The little guy got an Elmo TMX from his Auntie Molly during the Christmas Holidays. You know how it works. You press the button and the Muppet laughs his butt off. The new TMX (Extreme Tickle Me Elmo) version has Elmo rolling all over the place. One minute he’s on his feet, the next on his tummy pounding the floor, and somehow he manages to stand up again. It’s truly a piece of artwork.

The only thing is…well you see…it’s kind of…it’s scaring the crap out me and the baby! Ok not so much the baby. Sure at first every time you pressed Elmo’s giggle box, Fred would take off like Scooby Doo running from the swamp monster. His little legs practically spinning in mid-air as he tried to get away. Now he’s used to him and Elmo is just another part of the bionic family. (There’s Bionic-Spiderman, Bionic Pooh, and Bionic Tiger. All able to roam around like little demon possessed robots)

My problem with Elmo is that when activated in the standard “standing” position, he’s a cute giggly toy. This all changes when Elmo is tickled while lying down. I don’t know why but Elmo hates to be tickled unless he’s standing. When you press his stomach while in the horizontal position (him not you) he lurches up like a zombie out of a decades old gravesite. If that wasn’t bad enough he does it without saying a word until he’s back on his feet. I’m walking along closing the house up for the night, turning off all the lights, checking the locks, when I accidentally bump something in the floor. All of a sudden I’ve got the evil dead after me screaming “TICKLE ME!!! TICKLE ME!!!!!”

How do you explain to your son that the reason he can’t play with his new toy is because it makes you pee on yourself?


mr. big dubya said...

Elmo scares the bejeezus out of Lil Dub when he goes all epileptic during the second tickle session. He starts shaking his head "no" and then looks for an adult leg to latch on to. However, once Elmo stands back up, Dub wants the little red devil to start laughing again. Me? I'd like to see the thing shake so hard on the ground his little furry red head flies off. Not that I have anything against Elmo or anything.

Anonymous said...

I kind of miss Elmo over here. U just can't find him even if u try. Love those cute baby cheeks!

Nice weekend


Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!!! Auntie Molly is sooo sorry for scaring ya'll! I am glad Adam is warming up to him though! I will see ya'll soon!
LOVES, Auntie Molly :)