Friday the 6th was Lucy’s birthday and I was finally able to get her that pony she has always wanted…with a couple of minor details being different than what she initially expected.
- It was plastic
- It smelled like cupcakes and roses
- Fred wouldn’t let her play with it
Other than that like I said, it was the pony she had always wanted. I learned this birthday that women like to have their gifts wrapped and not launched at them as they are wiping the sleepy from their eyes at 7a.m. Oh and I now know her shoe size (it’s NOT an 8 like the ones I bought her but a size 9 like the ones I exchanged them for on my lunch break that day). Finally I received a gift from God by having the smarts to order her balloons/flowers. Now at the time it was a clear attempt to make up for the disasterous birthday gift giving from earlier in the day, but I now feel like I had some help in making the decision to send them her way. That afternoon a customer of hers at the bank who remembered her birthday thought she deserved some flowers. Now I’m sure said customer had no idea that he/she was potentially sending me to the doghouse for several months, but still I think flowers were a bit much and would have been happy seeing her get a gift certificate for free pizza or something less “My husband didn’t even get me something this nice”-ish. Luckily I remembered and mine arrived before theirs did. That about covers it...oh yea..instead of birthday cake we had a slice of cheesecake from a resturant that was open late. Hey folks I don't call myself a blockhead for nothing.
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