Monday, May 15, 2006

100 Reasons Why I Love Lucy

She’s kind.
She’s pretty.
She’s funny.
She’s smart.
She’s very quick with a joke.
She’s full of love.
She’s the definition of grace.
She’s a hard worker.
She’s the reason I am the person I am today.
She’s confident.
She’s got eyes bluer than the ocean.
She’s as fragile as rose.
She’s got an iron will.
She’s able to put up with a blockhead 24-7.
She was the most wonderful mom even before we had Fred.
She’s my best friend.
She’s the most exciting person I have ever met.
She’s got a smile that could convince me to step into on coming traffic.
She’s very competitive.
She never gives up.
She always finds the best in those around her.
She cries during greeting card commercials.
She laughs at herself and other people.
She cooks a mean chicken parmesan alfredo.
She is never satisfied.
She can be the class clown one minute and the principal the next.
She has really good taste in men.
She like animals.
She can multi-task.
She watches Kung Fu movies with me even though she hates them.
She can remember someone’s name regardless of the time spent with them.
She is a faithful Christian.
She never takes out the trash.
She constantly puts up with my insecurities.
She’s is the sexiest girl I have ever seen.
She does not lie.
She can remember a gazillion church songs.
She is a good listener.
She sings to Fred everyday.
She likes to read.
She keeps a journal for Fred to read when he is older.
She doesn’t mind that I hate to dust.
She knows I will never quit biting my nails but she tells me to stop everyday.
She is very good at budgeting.
She can make you feel like her best friend in 5 seconds or less.
She makes homemade meatballs and spaghetti.
She forgives.
She is willing to trying anything at least once.
She loves the beach.
She is very happy with her life at the moment.
She misses me when I’m away.
She goes out of her way to help people.
She’s got tiny little freckles on her face.
She’s got this laugh that gets in your head and becomes the soundtrack to your every thought.
She cries when she sees dead animals on the side of the road.
She can take care of herself.
She would eat frozen burritos every meal if it would give Fred the life she never lived.
She remembers the past and uses it to make a better present.
She can wake up at 5:00 AM to go yard sale shopping, but barely makes it out of bed at 7:30AM so she can be at work at 8:00 A.M.
She likes to make fun of strangers.
She makes the most of what she’s got.
She smells like roses.
She is very patient.
She likes to lay in bed and watch movies on rainy days.
She likes to build tents out of sheets and kitchen chairs in the living room.
She’s a smart shopper.
She buys me ice cream even though she knows it puts me in a sugar coma.
She has never seen The Predator or Indiana Jones.
She’s the reason I wake up in the morning and rush to bed at night.
She likes scary movies.
She does not take no for an answer.
She can quote every line of The Goonies.
She doesn’t believe in dinosaurs.
She likes to make lists.
She likes pizza and hot wings better than steak and potatoes.
She doesn’t let Fred cry himself to sleep.
She likes surprises but always tries to ruin them.
She has to have a stocking every Christmas.
She doesn’t want flowers on Valentines Day.
She always needs a new purse.
She likes to act out SNL skits. “In A Van Down By The River”
She watches cheesy Lifetime movies.
She never throws anything away.
She is helping to plan her high school reunion.
She likes to hold hands.
She will never be able to watch Bambi or The Lion King again.
She is always prepared for any baby related disaster.
She doesn’t wear too much make-up.
She looks better now than she did in high school.
She likes to take longs walks around the neighborhood.
She sleeps best when it’s cold.
She doesn’t like to watch the news cause it’s too depressing.
She would rather stay home with me than go out with friends.
She once talked me into driving 9 hours to the beach after working a 10-hour shift on a holiday weekend with no hotel reservations.
She never looked more beautiful than that morning after we slept on the beach all night.
She knows she is spoiled and makes no apologies for it.
She is already planning our second child.
She deserves more than I will ever be able to give her.
She is already wondering what to get me for Fathers Day.
She is the fulfillment of every wish and every dream this blockhead has ever had.

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