Sunday, July 30, 2006

Fred Writes Blog

Daddy said he's had a rough week and asked that I write this weeks blog. I tried to tell him I can't talk or write, but he said I could use pictures. Hope you like.

This is my aunt Lafonda. She is trying to tell people how much she can't stand babies. Notice how she is tickling my ear? I think somebody is a lie teller.

This is a picture of my two dads. They walk alike, they talk alike, what a crazy pair. Grampa cracks me up. Just one look at his face and I almost busted a rib laughing so hard.

I think daddy just pee'd in the pool!

My kitty is soooo strong instead of mice, she catches cars.

All this hard work has worn me out. Daddy is such a slave drive. Finally Super Mommy swooped in an saved the day.

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