Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today we took Alex out to find the perfect birthday present. Being as he's only turning two we can do such things as have him come a long to look for presents. With Adam turning six the following week everything has to be on the hush hush, but he does know we are thinking a new bicycle might be in order.

Like millions of other toddlers Elmo is Alex's absolute favorite and retailers definitely know it. Today we saw Elmo band aides, Elmo sheets, Elmo shirts, Elmo shoes, Elmo video's, Elmo soap, Elmo bubbles, Elmo lamps, Elmo pillows, Elmo backpacks, Elmo socks, Elmo towns, Elmo action figures, Elmo jump ropes, Elmo tents, Elmo bikes, Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo Elmo....I say his name a thousand times because that's how many times it came out Alex's mouth.

Sadly you can't have the entire Elmo everything...or at least it can't be bought all during the same shopping trip. So we started to say no to Elmo. Then Alex starting throwing down and like Elmer Fud luring Bugs Bunny with a carrot on a string we slowly lured Alex out of the store. The Elmo video stopped him crying for 3 isles till he saw the Elmo coloring book which bought us 6 isles till he saw the Elmo bubble bath which almost got us to the cereal where he saw the Elmo table mats which got us to the registers where we distracted him by telling him there was an Elmo movie in the car and he was about to get to go watch it.

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